news: renovations, bees......

This is the beach between the fishing village Banualit and Anturan, just 5 - 10 minutes walk from Saraswati Holiday House. Sandy bottom and a little further out there is a reef. So great for swimming and snorkeling. Photos from October 2023.

The Saraswati garden. All images from June 2024.

We only have one colony of bees in the back garden of Saraswati Holiday House. But precisely because of the lack of strong competition and good nectar flow, we were able to extract more honey than ever before in October 2024. Almost 1 kg. But we also left plenty of honey in the hive, which should last through the coming rainy season. We also observe other species of wild bees in our garden. They also need nectar and pollen, so it is just good for them that there is only one colony of cerana honey bees at our place.